Rates of anxiety and depression are 4 times higher than in 2019.2 21.4% of adults have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year.5 During the pandemic, 44.2% of high schoolers experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.3 In 2020, nearly 1 in 20 adults had serious thoughts of suicide.6 84% of people surveyed said Americans are angrier today compared with a generation ago.4 Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34.1

Can we talk about it?

A teaching series on emotional health.

Emotional health.

You don’t have to be around a church for too long to know we tend to avoid talking about it. You may have even heard something like “just pray about it!” or “you just need to have faith.” But the reality is, the last few years have pushed many of us to our breaking points. It’s clear that avoiding the conversation isn’t working. So can we talk about it? 

A series of conversations on emotional health.

Times & locations

Need help?

No matter what you may be walking through, God loves you and we’re here for you. Our team would love the opportunity to talk with you, pray for you, and point you in the direction of helpful resources or qualified professionals to help you along the path toward emotional health.